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Raeed Roshan Ali: Inspiring Youth to Tackle the Plastic Waste Problem

Raeed Roshan Ali: Inspiring Youth to Tackle the Plastic Waste Problem
Raeed: Mass production of plastics, which began just six decades ago, has accelerated so rapidly that it has created 8.3 billion metric tons of waste, out of which only 9% has ever been recycled. It’s estimated that Fiji, a small Pacific Island country with a population of fewer than one million people, produces 168.4 tonnes of plastic waste each day! 136 tonnes of this plastic waste is mismanaged. So in 2019, my friends and I formed Precious Plastic Fiji, a youth-led social enterprise that adopted the principles of a global movement to provide a solution to solve the plastic pollution problem. We apply commercial strategies to maximize improvements in financial, social, and environmental well-being, by turning plastic waste into commercially viable products.

Bhagya Uppala Wijayawardane: Tackling Food Insecurity through Home Gardening

Bhagya Uppala Wijayawardane: Tackling Food Insecurity through Home Gardening
Bhagya: Well, Spiffy, in my journey, I have witnessed and heard stories of families adversely affected by climate change. I have seen people affected by malnutrition, stunted growth in children, and an increase in school dropouts due to hunger and lack of a free morning meal. I’ve seen farmers attempt suicide to escape debt traps. I’ve seen escalating food costs and nutritional deficiencies. I started gathering information so I could better understand how people can live peacefully without relying on government agencies and institutions for support all the time. At the same time, I started gardening in the backyard of my kitchen. All this while, there was a constant inkling pushing me to help others start their home garden to fight food insecurity

Charlotte Young Bowens: Outdoor Gear for the Plus-Size Community

Charlotte Young Bowens: Outdoor Gear for the Plus-Size Community
Charlotte: As an outdoor gear and apparel company focusing on bigger bodies, we’re committed to ensuring that people in the plus-size community can purchase gear and apparel that fits their bodies. We’re also advancing size inclusivity in outdoor activities and the outdoor industry at large. Research has shown that time spent exploring the outdoors on a regular basis can support and ensure continued physical and mental well-being. We’re all about our three C’s which start with being a customer-centered company focused on creation by and for bigger bodies and we produce products that are customer-validated.  Finally, we know that comfortable clothing and gear nurtures confidence in people to live a healthy lifestyle with their chosen outdoor activity.