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Diane Keng: Championing a Key Strand of Gender Equality as a Woman CEO in Tech

Diane Keng: Championing a Key Strand of Gender Equality as a Woman CEO in Tech
Diane: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! As the CEO of an AI-powered personalization company, I'm navigating a field predominantly led by men. Yet, I'm determined to break stereotypes and pave the way for gender equality. Many still believe certain jobs or industries are solely for specific stereotypes. Still, I'm living proof that women (no matter the age) can excel in coding, leadership, and innovation just as well as anyone. I strive to ensure that everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, race, or creed, has equal opportunities. This means dismantling barriers that perpetuate the notion of gender-specific roles. As a female CEO in the tech world, I'm challenging these norms and proving that success knows no gender. Breinify is championing an important cause of gender equality.

Neha Singh: Changing the Landscape of Online Retail Through Virtual 3D Stores

Neha Singh: Changing the Landscape of Online Retail Through Virtual 3D Stores
Neha: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! My company, Obsess, is helping to make the online shopping experience much more interesting by creating 3D virtual stores. Imagine being able to walk through a store right on your phone, without going there in person. You can learn about the brand and discover products in the same way you do in a store, instead of just the simple list that you see in online shopping. We use Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies to create innovative virtual stores that help reduce carbon emissions.

Kavita Mehra: Serving Survivors of Violence Within the South Asian Diaspora

Kavita Mehra: Serving Survivors of Violence Within the South Asian Diaspora
Kavita: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! Sakhi for South Asian Women exists to represent the South Asian diaspora in a survivor-centered movement for gender justice. We honor the collective and inherent power of all survivors of violence. Sakhi is committed to serving survivors through a combination of efforts including, but not limited to, direct services, advocacy and organizing, technical assistance, and community outreach.