Vanessa: Glad to be with you, Spiffy! Another Tomorrow is modeling a new vision for the fashion industry. Fashion is one of the most damaging industries on the planet from its contribution to climate change given its emissions (the third worst) to the over 80% of clothing that ends up in a landfill, to human exploitation and the degradation of the environment, and biodiversity loss due to use of chemicals and pesticides.
Apr 27, 2023
Posted by: George Romar
Ana Florez,
SDG 1,
SDG 10,
SDG 13,
SDG 17,
SDG 4,
SDG 5,
SDG 8,
Ana: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! Teach For All is a global network of 60 independent partner organizations and a global organization that works to accelerate the progress of the network. Each partner recruits and develops promising future leaders to teach millions of students for two years in their nations’ under-resourced schools and communities and to work with others, inside and outside of education, to ensure all children are able to fulfill their potential, despite obstacles like poverty, hunger, discrimination, and trauma.
Luyanda: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! Starting my garden was a hobby that turned into a passion. I first started at home and then began supporting more community members to start backyard gardens. The initial challenge was to ensure food security, but then I realized that organic farming was beneficial to the environment. I started my research on plant boosters and this piqued my interest in climate change. I was eager to know about the drought's history and find a way for farmers, women, and other groups to adapt to the climate change era. The truth is, we cannot reverse the clock, but it is important we learn to maintain the situation in our hands—discovering that has been my purpose.