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Roy Scott: Uplifting Children’s Lives with Healthy Hip Hop

Roy Scott: Uplifting Children’s Lives with Healthy Hip Hop
Roy: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! Healthy Hip Hop is transforming a generation of children through infusing hip hop culture with innovative technology, education, and positive attributes. We understand that hip hop is the voice of our youth, yet the challenge is that most of the mainstream messaging is not appropriate for kids. Healthy Hip Hop is providing a safe hip hop and social media experience for children and families.

DuMarkus Davis: Making Quality Music Education, Sustainable Incomes Accessible

DuMarkus Davis: Making Quality Music Education, Sustainable Incomes Accessible
DuMarkus: I’m very glad to be here, Spiffy! Presently, if you’re a musician and attend a music school, you get one-on-one lessons with a top instructor, varying performance opportunities, and you get teaching opportunities. Despite that, 99% of music school graduates will graduate with no job prospects and will teach and/or take a part-time job to make ends meet. At Musicbuk, we are building an ecosystem of the world's greatest musicians that empowers these musicians to monetize their craft online through a teaching marketplace, streaming interface, and membership platform.

Hannah Olson: Making Disclosing Disability Accessible, Safe…Fun?

Hannah Olson: Making Disclosing Disability Accessible, Safe…Fun?
Hannah: Congrats on your 400th interview, Spiffy! I’m honored to be here today. To answer your question - disclosing your disability or health condition to your employer can be scary, confusing, and, often, risky. Yet, over 60% of Americans need accommodations to complete their job tasks. Disclo is the first platform helping employees to safely ask for, verify, and act on accommodation requests at work. Our vision is to make disclosing your disability accessible, safe, and hopefully even fun.